
We start now, with winter.

Look around: everything in our wintry natural world is offering us the message of simplification, essentialism, and “just the basics”. Winter encourages us to become still, drop deep into ourselves and the energy of our bodies and the earth, to align with what is vital, and to spend time feeling into our depth, our living “human roots”.

Watch energy: energy slows down when it is cold. Cold air and cold water drop to low levels. Winter invites to drop into our deepest levels and receive the gifts we find there.

If you’re not seeing the gifts of winter, I encourage you to spend time outside, in a natural setting, and open to nature’s messages first hand. You probably won’t receive winter’s beautiful wisdom unless you are actually out in nature! Our “culture” will NOT offer this wisdom to you, so stop looking in man-made settings or psychological constructs to find it.

Slow down … and let yourself be led by the beautiful rhythms of your body and your own experiences of winter!

Would you like to participate?

Here is what you can expect:

  • this is a 12-month long opportunity — divided into our four seasons — but not a lot of time per month is required
  • You can join us for one season ($150) or ALL seasons (four payments of $150, or $50 a month)
  • NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY — however an interest and appreciation for embodiment practices, energy work, meditation, mindfulness, massage/self care and healthy eating will make our circle stronger, more valuable, and ripe for receiving the powerful life habits we will be inviting into our daily routines.
  • Each season we will be gathering in person three times for mind, body spirit guided practices that are relevant to the season.

Season One – Winter

  • January
    Dinner and Welcoming Circle
    We will meet in my home for a simple nourishing, plant-based meal and tea and learn and practice mindfulness techniques and meditation. We will weave winter’s wisdom into our conversations and practices. Proposed Date Sunday January 30 • 5-7pm
  • February
    Forest Bathing – A Slow, Guided Walk with the group in nature!
    Deepen your relationship with the natural world. Proposed Date – Sunday, Februar 27, 10:30 -1pm
  • March
    Sound Bathing (Music, or Crystal Bowls) and one 30 minute hot towels + foot reflexology appointment
    at my home. During our group time I will share and teach more self care, mindfulness and or partner work with respect to winter and our personal, natural cycles. Proposed Date March 12 or 13 (before the 21st, before spring break for SVVSD) • 5-7pm

  • Option to stay in touch during the time off in a dedicated FB Group, where I will share info, articles, practices, recipes and other seasonal inspiration to keep the energy going while we are not together in person.

Spring, Summer and Autumn will likely follow the same basic structure, but content and details will change. 


I will be sharing recipes with you, guided exercises such as writing, meditating and reflecting. We may explore breathing practices, energy and body-based activities or flow with what needs arise.

Please Note 

Group sharing is welcome, but this is NOT a “social event” per se. FB group will be available for more casual sharing and connecting. I am bringing us together for the purpose of reconnecting with ourselves — and experiencing the quiet, amazing support of nature and each other. We don’t need to share details and “our stories” to connect — I promise!

optional, for purchase: fresh pressed juices (if desired) for that “cleansing” effect we so love. Beets and or greens at my go to’s in winter. I have a juicer and LOVE to juice!

optional, for purchase: one massage/bodywork session (I recommend seasonally, or monthly if you’re a massage lover like I am) from me in direct support of the energy that is most alive in our bodies during the season

I WILL BE ASKING YOU FOR FEEDBACK here and there ALONG THE WAY, and as pilot participants, you may very well be helping to shape our time / experiences together. 

I know, nearing 50 years old, that time is precious. I want to dive right in and do the things so many of our spirits long to do, but can’t seem to prioritize. Join me! Say YES to 12 months of making time for our own health and wellness! From that commitment, may PEACE, JOY and HARMONY be renewed!

Bonus Gifts!

    An hour long group Zoom call with Nutritionist Emily Oliver to give us an inspiring overview and education about food — and how moving towards a plant-based diet heals us, and the planet.

    Ongoing Sound Bathing Circles! At my house — a silent, come as you can, bi-monthly event for one hour on a weeknight…silence + receiving + community + healing!

    I am full of ideas for potential offerings … so if not THIS year, stay tuned for next year’s happenings.

    Remember: this program is packed with ideas and exerrcises I’m experrimenting with sharing and guiding … I’m hoping many will be keepers for future sessions. The price will increase substantially in 2023, so if budget is an issue, this is the year to do it!

    Commit to a season (3 months for $150) or enjoy and deepen into the entire four seasons together months … or decide later if you want to continue with other seasons.

    Winter Nourish & Reset

    Bright, Clear & Reset for WINTER VIBRANCY!

    Post holidays got you feeling … uh … over served?

    Now is a great time to “cleanse” — but do it with warming, nourishing foods.

    By eating Healing Lentil Soup (featured on this page) and ONLY eating it (or adding simple salads, oil/vinegar simple dressings, steamed vegetables) you can reset your system! Commit to simple eating and drinking for five days. Drink only water, and lots of it. (If you weigh 150 pounds, drink half of that in ounces, so 75 oz — MINIMUM.) Cut out coffee, alcohol, soda, etc. and experience deep clarity and hormonal balance!

    Healing Lentil Soup

    This Ayurvedic spiced lentil curry recipe is a healing medicine for digestive issues and makes the most comforting winter dinner dish. It’s simple to make, and is a great base soup for other toppings. 


    oil or butter

    1 onion, chopped

    1 cup orange lentils

    1/2 – 1 cup cup basmati rice
    (can use brown, or cooked leftover rice)

    4 cups vegetable or bone broth, or a combo broth and water

    Indian spices: (I used roughly a 1/2 to a full teaspoon of spices I have on hand … garam masala, curry powder, mustard seeds, turmeric, cumin seeds or powder, coriander seeds or powder; a dash of cinnamon, cayenne…)

    1 tsp salt

    garlic, about 3-4 cloves minced

    1 can (13.5oz) coconut milk, full fat


    In a medium pot heat the oil, add the onion and cook over medium heat, stirring frequently until translucent.

    Add garlic, spices, salt, lentils and (raw, not cooked) rice. Mix to combine and cook for two minutes, stirring frequently.

    Add the water/broth, bring to boil then simmer for 15 minutes, until the rice and lentils are cooked. Add your cooked rice if you’re using cooked rice once lentils are done.

    Add coconut milk and stir to combine.

    Turn off heat and add optional topping, if desired.


    handful fresh cilantro or spinach leaves (will wilt once added)


    squeeze of fresh lemon
    toasted cashews
    a spoon of coconut oil or ghee
    coconut flakes
    s/p to taste

    SERVES 4-6